Environmental change is increasingly becoming a major concern to livelihoods and biodiversity worldwide, driven by both anthropogenic and natural factors such as Infrastructural developments, agricultural expansion, exploitation of natural resources such as Oil and Gas, climate change, land-use change, amongst others. These may cause a reduction and fragmentation of natural habitats, and the emergence of strong barrier effects that hinder or even prevent the movement of organisms and ecological connectivity.
In addition, disturbances increase, and different types of pollution including chemical, light, noise, dust and sound become more frequent. Changes to the environment may manifest at a wide scale but as well have varied and potentially devastating local impacts. Our diverse and experienced team can support you to meet your environment and natural resources management responsibilities and secure the economic benefits of sustainable development.
We offer a range of multidisciplinary environmental services to a variety of public and private sector organizations to develop and implement policies, processes, and strategies, that aid proper planning and decision making to safeguard environmental wellbeing.